Suzanne Yoon

Founder, Managing Partner

Kinzie Capital Partners




Financial Services

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Suzanne Yoon is the Founder and ManagingPartner of Kinzie Capital Partners, a Chicago-based private equity firm that invests in lowermiddle market companies in the consumer,manufacturing and service industries. In 2017,she launched Kinzie as part of her long-standingvision to advance the use of technology, dataanalytics and innovation to help investors unlockvalue for companies. Her creative outlook on theuse of technology in the private equity sectorleads to improved operational efficiency and newavenues for growth within Kinzie’s diverseportfolio.Suzanne has over 20 years experience investingin and advising middle market companies. Beforefounding Kinzie, she served as a ManagingDirector of Versa Capital Management where sheled transaction development throughout NorthAmerica. Prior to that role, Suzanne was a SeniorVice President of CIT Group. Suzanne also co-founded LaSalle Bank/ABN AMRO’s CorporateRestructuring Group and held positions indistressed loan portfolio management andadvisory at LaSalle Bank and Ernst and Young’sCorporate Finance group, respectively.Suzanne lives in Chicago with her husband andthree children. She is an outdoor and sportsenthusiast who enjoys golfing and fishing withher family.

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